Pollinator Protector Pledge


I will protect the soil from harmful pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides for the health of all Pollinators.

I will protect the watershed by conserving water, minimizing the use of fertilizers, and disposing of toxic household waste responsibly.

I will plant forage with drought-resistant pollinator plants in my yard, gardens, and land.

I will discover who came before by learning who the First Nation people are in my area, and what their sustainable land practices are.

I will spread the word by inviting neighbors and community members to join in the effort to protect pollinators to restore biodiversity and food security for all.


I am a Pollinator protector

See Resources at the bottom for help.


Find - Bee Toxic Pesticides to Avoid

Find your watershed.

Find your native land map.

Find what to plant.

Find out about B Corps

The information gathered here is for the sole purpose of creating an overview of pollinator pathways region by region. No information will be sold or used for any other purpose.